Escaping Primitives

This is a regression test for components upon which HTL is constructed, the design centers around EscapeProxy which escapes content printed to it. There are several wrappers which drive special proxy handling.

using HypertextLiteral: EscapeProxy, Bypass, Reprint, Render


This utility class acts wraps an IO stream to provide HTML escaping.

io = IOBuffer()
ep = EscapeProxy(io)

macro echo(expr)
    :($expr; print(String(take!(io))))

The result of this proxy is that regular content printed to it is passed along to the wrapped IO, after escaping the ampersand (&), less-than (<), single-quote ('), and double-quote (").

@echo print(ep, "(&'<\")")
#-> (&amp;&apos;&lt;&quot;)


This wrapper simply prints its content.

#-> <tagged/>

Printed content wrapped with Bypass is not subject to escaping.

@echo print(ep, Bypass("<span>"), "<A&B>", Bypass("</span>"))
#-> <span>&lt;A&amp;B></span>


This wrapper holds a closure that prints to an io.

print(Reprint(io::IO -> print(io, "Hello World")))
#-> Hello World

Reprinted content is still subject to escaping.

@echo print(ep, Reprint(io -> print(io, "(&'<\")")))
#-> (&amp;&apos;&lt;&quot;)


This wrapper prints text/html display of an object.

struct Custom
end, m::MIME"text/html", c::Custom) =
   print(io, c.content)

#-> <tag/>

The printed content is not subject to escaping.

@echo print(ep, Render(Custom("<tag/>")))
#-> <tag/>

It's an error if the wrapped object isn't showable to "text/html".

print(Render("This is an error!"))
#-> ERROR: MethodError: … show(… ::MIME{Symbol("text/html")}⋮