Section 1.2

Fill course basic information

Add basic information

If you look at the homepage of the template website, you will see it has a bunch of placeholder text, such as “name of your course”, “a short catchy phrase” etc.

To customize this, you will need to customize the metadata of the website. That is, add basic info for your class.

To do so, you will need to fill the info in the files under the folder src/_data. Let us analyze these one by one.


This file contains a julia Dict with the basic info of the class. For each key (course_name, course_subtitle, etc.) replace the corresponding placeholder with an appropriate text for your class.

When filling the institution_logo data with the name of your university logo file, do not forget to actually put the file under src/assets.

Authors are listed as a vector of pairs, where the first element is the author name and the second is their homepage address. If you dont have a homepage address for the author, put an empty string "".


This file contains metadata for the info displayed in the homepage, particularly

  • title: the title displayed on top of the homepage
  • disclaimer: the disclaimer displayed below the title. If you don’t want a disclaimer, you can remove this entry.
  • highlights: in this entry you can specify the highlights of your class, which will be displayed on the homepage. This entry should be a vector of highlights. Each entry in the vector should be a dict with the following fields
    • name: the title of the highlight
    • text: short description of the highlight
    • img: link to an image summarizing the highlight


In this file you can specify the sidebar of the website. All lecture materials will be grouped in modules in the sidebar, which are defined in this file.

The modules in the file are specified as a vector of pairs, in the form

module_id => module_title

for example

"module1" => "Week 1: Introduction to the class"

To link a file to a module, you will need to add the module identifier in the page tags. For more info about this, see Add frontmatter


In this file you will specify tracks. Tracks can be used to group lectures across modules, e.g. if they have a commmon theme. When a track is selected on the sidebar, only the pages belonging to that track will be highlighted.

Similar to modules, tracks are stored in a vector of pairs in the form

track_id => track_title

for example

"julia" => "💻 Julia programming"

To link a file to a track, you will need to add the track id, prefixed with track_, to the tags of the page. For example, to add a lesson to the julia track defined above, you would add the tag track_julia to the tags of that lesson file.


Choosing an appropriate license is important to make your material properly reusable.

To add the license, open the file and replace the text

<insert license for your material judge>

with your license(s).