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On your computer

(Recommended if you want to store your changes.)

  1. Copy the notebook URL:
  2. Run Pluto

    (Also see: How to install Julia and Pluto)

  3. Paste URL in the Open box


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Author 1

🤠 Pluto developer call, 2022-05-02 🤠

heyllo Yayyy hurray Check the new PlutoSliderServer-powered website about climate science:

👀 Reading hidden code
@mdx """
# 🤠 Pluto developer call, *$(today)* 🤠
Yayyy hurray
Check the new PlutoSliderServer-powered website about climate science:
1.9 s

To discuss

  • fons: Backend testing Pluto

  • Paul: BetterFileWatching.jl

  • Paul: Functors &

  • Machine Status UI

    • CPU

    • MEM

    • Time left in JuliaHub

    • Time left outside of JuliaHub (Battery)

  • Should/Can we save Bind state in metadata? (API: set_cell_metadata/get_cell_metadata, send an CustomEvent("input", get_cell_metadata[:bindsomething]))

  • T shirts please!

# To discuss
- fons: Backend testing Pluto
- Paul: BetterFileWatching.jl
- Paul: Functors &
👀 Reading hidden code
3.3 ms

👀 Reading hidden code
80.1 μs

👀 Reading hidden code
77.8 μs


Working on the Windows issues...

Will it work on all platforms that Pluto works on? We'll try! Maybe we need to figure out a way to not use BetterFileWatching.jl when not available on the platform.

👀 Reading hidden code
289 μs

Callable structs &

Example, this should work:

👀 Reading hidden code
251 μs
Error message

Multiple definitions for C

Combine all definitions into a single reactive cell using a `begin ... end` block.

# Define a struct C
struct C
👀 Reading hidden code
Error message

UndefVarError: `C` not defined in `Main.var"workspace#4"`

Suggestion: check for spelling errors or missing imports.

Stack trace

Here is what happened, the most recent locations are first:

  1. # Create an instance of C with the Constructorc = C(1.)
# Create an instance of C with the Constructor
c = C(1.)
👀 Reading hidden code
Error message

Multiple definitions for C

Combine all definitions into a single reactive cell using a `begin ... end` block.

# Define a function that makes C as callable
# AND ALSO uses an instance of C (here: `c`)
(::C)() = 1 + c.x
👀 Reading hidden code
struct D
dd = D(1.)

# dd() # <-- fails here
(::D)() = 1 + dd.x # <- makes the instance callable, not the "type"
# ---- This fn below
function (d::D)(args...)
# ---- gets rewritten as
function D(d, args...)

D(nothing) # <- still invokes the constructor
dd() # <-- succeeds
👀 Reading hidden code
15.8 ms
Error message

UndefVarError: `c` not defined in `Main.var"workspace#4"`

Suggestion: check for spelling errors or missing imports.

Stack trace

Here is what happened, the most recent locations are first:

  1. c()
👀 Reading hidden code
# d = C(true)
👀 Reading hidden code
11.6 μs
# d()
👀 Reading hidden code
12.4 μs

This is a similar problem to #326: defining a method for a type changes how it is displayed, but this is not reactive. That's why you get two different outputs here:

👀 Reading hidden code
250 μs
struct Cool
👀 Reading hidden code
837 μs
👀 Reading hidden code
9.8 μs, ::MIME"text/plain", c::Cool) = print(io, "Coooool $(c.x)")
👀 Reading hidden code
601 μs
Coooool 1
👀 Reading hidden code
10.2 μs


Why not run them during the definition of A itself? Because A needs to be defined before or the callable. So they should be ordered.

👀 Reading hidden code
299 μs
Error message

UndefVarError: `DoesNotExist` not defined in `Main.var"workspace#4"`

Suggestion: check for spelling errors or missing imports.

Stack trace

Here is what happened, the most recent locations are first:

  1., m::MIME"text/plain", thing::DoesNotExist) = nothing, m::MIME"text/plain", thing::DoesNotExist) = nothing
👀 Reading hidden code

Why not a normal reference? Like: every reference to A also references, .., ::A). Because it can create a cycle that was not there before. Example:

👀 Reading hidden code
285 μs
Error message

UndefVarError: `A` not defined in `Main.var"workspace#4"`

Suggestion: check for spelling errors or missing imports.

Stack trace

Here is what happened, the most recent locations are first:

  1., m::MIME"text/plain", thing::A) = print(io, myfunc(thing)), m::MIME"text/plain", thing::A) = print(io, myfunc(thing))
👀 Reading hidden code
Error message

UndefVarError: `A` not defined in `Main.var"workspace#4"`

Suggestion: check for spelling errors or missing imports.

Stack trace

Here is what happened, the most recent locations are first:

  1. myfunc(thing::A) = "hello"
Everything is going to be okay!
myfunc(thing::A) = "hello"
👀 Reading hidden code

🙌 Maybe we can use the soft definitions idea to solve. Maybe soft references, where every reference to A also has a soft reference to its callable definition, and its method.

👀 Reading hidden code
365 μs


We might want to use a testing package for our julia backend tests because:

👀 Reading hidden code
611 μs

Pluto tshirts!

Which color??

We could use the birds!! From


on the front

nothing on the back

Jupyter notebook with a "... is not defined" error on the back

How P chooses tshirts: first on the stack

# Pluto tshirts!

Which color??

We could use the birds!! From [](


on the front

nothing on the back

Jupyter notebook with a "... is not defined" error on the back

How P chooses tshirts: first on the stack

👀 Reading hidden code
500 μs
  • Machine Status UI

    • CPU

    • MEM

    • Time left in JuliaHub

    • Time left outside of JuliaHub (Battery)

  • Should/Can we save Bind state in metadata? (API: set_cell_metadata/get_cell_metadata, send an CustomEvent("input", get_cell_metadata[:bindsomething]))

  • T shirts please!

panagiotis = md"""
- Machine Status UI
- Time left in JuliaHub
- Time left outside of JuliaHub (Battery)
- Should/Can we save Bind state in metadata? (API: `set_cell_metadata`/`get_cell_metadata`, send an `CustomEvent`(`"input"`, `get_cell_metadata`[`:bindsomething`]))
- T shirts please!

👀 Reading hidden code
41.3 ms

👀 Reading hidden code
77.3 μs

👀 Reading hidden code
78.3 μs

👀 Reading hidden code
77.9 μs
today = try
join(splitpath(pwd())[end-1:end],"-") |> Date
catch |> Date
👀 Reading hidden code
596 ms
using MarkdownLiteral: @mdx
👀 Reading hidden code
81.6 ms
using PlutoUI, MarkdownLiteral, Dates
👀 Reading hidden code
165 ms