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This notebook takes about 20 seconds to run.

In the cloud (experimental)

Binder is a free, open source service that runs scientific notebooks in the cloud! It will take a while, usually 2-7 minutes to get a session.

On your computer

(Recommended if you want to store your changes.)

  1. Copy the notebook URL:
  2. Run Pluto

    (Also see: How to install Julia and Pluto)

  3. Paste URL in the Open box


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Author 1

Meeting notes 15 nov 2022

👀 Reading hidden code
# Meeting notes 15 nov 2022
189 μs

Topics today

  • Featured notebooks: JuliaHub/Training.jl

  • codemirror-pluto-setup: yarn npm

  • Featured notebooks: other authors

  • Triple newline for new cell

  • Malt.jl

  • Windows app

  • PlutoHooks.jl: watch dir task

  • Function argument autocomplete

👀 Reading hidden code
## Topics today
- Featured notebooks: JuliaHub/Training.jl
- codemirror-pluto-setup: yarn npm
- Featured notebooks: other authors
- Triple newline for new cell
- Malt.jl
- Windows app
- PlutoHooks.jl: watch dir task
- Function argument autocomplete
713 μs

Featured notebooks: JuliaHub/Training.jl

Josh Day from JuliaHub is working on a public repository with training material, he wants to use the Pluto featured system to run it. Would be


  • We want these featured notebooks too! (They are mostly from me, David, and Alan) could be one of our sources in the featured_sources.json file.

  • Training.jl should have a custom run() function that launches Pluto with only the training notebooks as featured notebooks

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526 μs

JuliaCon 2023

In person at MIT! Deadline for proposals is already December 18th.

We will submit a proposal for an online talk.

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305 μs

Featured notebooks: other authors

Panagiotis and fonsi will get back in touch with some awesome featured notebook authors!

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237 μs


Let's get it finished! Yayyy

We can release it behind a flag, and leave it off by default for a couple of months to get more usage data. Maybe automatic AB testing? hehe

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361 μs


Let's get it finished!

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270 μs

Notion/GitHub board for our own TODOs?

Yes! We created one:

We made it visible only to members of the JuliaPluto org, to avoid stress from the internet :)

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316 μs

New CM features

OOP has super nice autocomplete because methods are properties of objects. But we dont have that in Julia!! Oh nooo

Idea: what if you act like will call something, and we know it's not a function, we auto

# In JS, I would do:

# to get things I can do with x

# IDEA: I Pluto, I would type:

# and it would autocomplete to:

# I could also do more arguments:
# and I get
push!(x, y)

# IDEA 2: just do the Python thing, show properties first, then methods that work with it

# IDEA 3:
x |> <TAB>

# would give
x |> first

# Chain.jl has a cool macro with this

# What we already have:
# and you get the list of all methods

# In the RUST LSP you have

# IDEA from tim Holy in a Julia PR:
# (this is merged in Julia main)
?(x, y<TAB>
# gives
push!(x, y)

# Since this is already in Julia main, we could contribute this to FuzzyCompletions.jl

Problem: there isn't a natural way to do this like in OOP, so what is the next best thing?

Also important: communicate to users that this is an option. We could still add more things. If this is going to be a feature of Julia Base then maybe we shouldn't do something different.

(Why does this not work already?)

Maybe having them in autocomplete is overwhelming, and its actually better to show them in the Live Docs panel.

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473 μs
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8.4 μs
x = [1,2,3]
👀 Reading hidden code
16.9 μs
y = 123
👀 Reading hidden code
9.5 μs
👀 Reading hidden code
9.7 μs