htl String Literal

This package additionally provides the @htl_str non-standard string literal.

using HypertextLiteral

name = "World"

htl"<span>Hello $name</span>"
#-> <span>Hello World</span>

@htl_str "<span>Hello \$name</span>"
#-> <span>Hello World</span>

Notable Differences

Unlike @htl, the htl string literal uses @raw_str escaping rules. So long as a double-quote character does not come before a slash, the slash itself need not be escaped.

#-> <span>\some\path</span>

In this notation, \" can be used to escape a double quote. However, other escape sequences are not expanded.

#-> Hello"\nWorld"

As a special case, the dollar-sign ($) can be escaped by doubling.

amount = 42

htl"<span>They paid $$$amount</span>"
#-> <span>They paid $42</span>

Alternatively, one can use the HTML character entity #&36;.

htl"<span>They paid &#36;$amount</span>"
#-> <span>They paid &#36;42</span>

Unlike the @htl macro, nesting doesn't work.

htl"Hello $(htl"World")"
#-> ERROR: syntax: cannot juxtapose string literal

Triple double-quoted syntax can be used in this case.

htl"""Hello $(htl"World")"""
#-> Hello World

However, this trick works only one level deep. Hence, there are some significant downsides to using this format, which are explored in detail at Julia #38948.

Dynamic Templates

The @htl_str macro can be used to dynamically construct templates. Suppose you have a schema that is provided dynamically. Let's make a test database with exactly one row.

T = NamedTuple{(:idx, :value), Tuple{Int64, String}};

database = [T((1, "A&B"))];

1-element Vector{NamedTuple{(:idx, :value), …}:
 (idx = 1, value = "A&B")

We could construct a table header from this schema.

fields = T.parameters[1]
#-> (:idx, :value)

head = @htl "<tr>$([@htl("<th>$x") for x in fields])"
#-> <tr><th>idx<th>value

Then, we need to compute a template for each row.

row_template = "<tr>$(join(["<td>\$(row[$(repr(x))])" for x in fields]))"

#-> <tr><td>$(row[:idx])<td>$(row[:value])

Using eval with @htl_str we could construct our template function.

eval(:(tablerow(row) = @htl_str $row_template))

#-> <tr><td>1<td>A&amp;B

A template for the entire table could be constructed.

table_template = "<table>$head\$([tablerow(row) for row in data])</table>"

#-> <table><tr><th>idx…$([tablerow(row) for row in data])</table>

eval(:(print_table(data) = @htl_str $table_template))

Then, finally, this could be used.

#-> <table><tr><th>idx<th>value<tr><td>1<td>A&amp;B</table>

Regression Tests & Notes

Due to @raw_str escaping, string literal forms are a bit quirky. Use the triple double-quoted form if your content has a double quote. Avoid slashes preceding a double quote, instead use the &#47; HTML entity.

#-> "\t\

#-> (\")

Even though we could permit interpretation of arrays notation, we stick with keeping this an error for consistency with the macro form.

ERROR: LoadError: DomainError with [1, 2, 3]:
interpolations must be symbols or parenthesized⋮

Let's also not permit top-level assignments.

ERROR: LoadError: DomainError with k = value:
assignments are not permitted in an interpolation⋮

Since the implementers of the notation have some control over the parsing, we can reliably detect string literals (Julia #38501).

#-> <span>A&amp;B</span>

There is one less round of parenthesis needed for tuples, named tuples and generators (Julia #38734).

name = "Hello"

htl"<tag $(user=name,)/>"
#-> <tag user='Hello'/>

print(htl"<span>$(n for n in 1:3)</span>")
#-> <span>123</span>

Due to escaping rules, we interpret a dollar sign as beginning an expression, even if it might otherwise be preceded by a slash.

ERROR: LoadError: "missing expression at 7: #"⋮